How to Say Goodbye to Dry Skin

We are all born with a certain skin type, and throughout our years, we may find ourselves shifting from one skin type to another. Some have oily skin, others have dry skin, while a lot can have a mix of both. Oily skin is the one most often talked about as excess sebum is often associated with pimples and acne... but what about dry skin?
If you wake up to unusually tight skin that flakes, peels, and sometimes itches, then unfortunately, you have woken up with the dreadful occurrence: skin dryness. Dry skin is usually caused by a lack of hydration, extreme weather (too hot or too cold), incompatible soap or cosmetic ingredients, medications, and sometimes even excessive cleansing. Similar to oily skin, dry skin can be genetically attained. Genetic or not, however, there are thankfully a lot of ways to manage and eliminate dry skin.
So are you ready to say goodbye to skin flaking? Check out these top tips!
Do not use alcohol-based products.
Alcohol-based skin care products may be considered a Holy Grail by a lot of people fighting acne, as alcohol is known to kill acne-causing bacteria. For those who suffer from dry skin, however, large amounts of alcohol may be a tad bit too strong, and may even cause even more skin-related damage. This type of damage increases the likelihood of acne-causing bacteria to appear and cultivate. Skin irritations, skin redness, and even more skin dryness are also effects of the damage excess alcohol can do. It is best to read through your skin care ingredients thoroughly. A little alcohol is okay, but too much (i.e. more than half of the product is composed of ethanol, ethyl, benzyl, or methanol) should stay away from your skin care routine.
Exfoliate your skin.
Regular exfoliation is paramount to keeping your skin clear and healthy. Not only does it effectively remove dried dirt and oils from your skin, it also removes dead skin cells and unwanted flaking, reducing skin dryness and helping improve skin health in the long run.
Dermaplaning is a popular and effective method for exfoliation. Fortunately, the Hollywood Browzer gives its users the benefit of a professional dermaplaning session-- right in their own homes! It is designed to give a quick and painless solution at an affordable price, all while being safe to use by yourself. It’s really simple: angle the tool on your face at a 45 degree angle and in a few delicate strokes, weeks’ worth of piled up debris will be gone.
Add a bit of face oil to your moisturiser.
Moisturisers are intended to add hydration to the skin, but did you know that they can be rendered more effective by adding just a few drops of face oil? Face oils are versatile agents that work best when combined with other skin care products. They are especially effective against dry skin, as they contain naturally hydrating properties such as almond and flaxseed extracts. Use this in moderation, you don’t want to overdo it. One to two drops is the recommended amount to start with, but you can add more as your skin gets used to the oils.
Don’t shower with hot water.
Hot water may be a satisfying treat for the senses at the end of the day, but dermatologists suggest you skip the hot bath if you have dry skin. The high water temperature strips your skin of your much-needed oil and moisture, resulting in even dryer skin. If you’re suffering from skin peeling, take a cold shower or a lukewarm bath, at best.
Drink plenty of water.
Dry skin can be caused by the overall lack of hydration in your body, so if you are experiencing flaky skin, it’s best to get yourself hydrated-- not just once, not even twice, but regularly and consistently. This will keep your body’s moisture level up, both inside and out.
Remember: drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is one of the simplest and best ways to attain healthier skin. Proactively setting reminders of when to drink throughout the day will push your body to a properly hydrated state in no time.