5 Reasons Why Your Skin Is Breaking Out

Facing a breakout can be frustrating, especially when it can often be hard to determine what is causing it, and while it can be shrugged off as a normal sign of ageing, for those who deal with acne as a common occurrence it can have a massive impact on self esteem and confidence. Acne can be exhausting to deal with when breakouts are frequent, it can be disheartening trying to find a consistent treatment that works long term, and acne itself can be extremely irritating and painful physically. Although some acne is genetic, in some circumstances it may be caused by your daily routine. While it may not always be a quick fix and won’t guarantee that acne will never return or you won’t have to deal with at least the occasional blemish, we’ve put together some of the lifestyle causes for acne that you may find help when trying to conquer your breakouts.
1. You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep is the time for your body to reset and recover after the day’s activities and is when your cells get time to rejuvenate. If you’re realizing that during periods where you’re sleeping less your skin is worse, this could be the culprit. Both for your acne, and under eye circles. Not getting enough sleep can affect your stress levels and overall mental health as well as your physical health and, as stress can be a contributor to acne as well, taking care of your skin with the correct amount of sleep can also help with acne caused by stress. You should attempt to get 7 - 9 hours of sleep a night, giving your body the time that it needs to reset. In addition, attempting to go to bed at the same time each night can be beneficial in helping your body get in a rhythm.
2. You’re Dehydrated
Dehydration can lead to your body producing excess oil and ultimately leading to breakouts. Not drinking enough water can cause clogged pores and dead skin cells which can clog up your pores even more. Even if it wasn’t for the sake of your skin, drinking enough water each day is important for your overall health. If the thought of drinking more water doesn’t quite appeal to you, try sprucing it up with fruit or other flavourings such as lemon or cucumber- just try to avoid too much sugar. To keep hydrated, aim to drink at least eight 8 - ounce glasses of water a day and flavor them if needed!
3. You’re Not Cleansing After Workouts
Skipping the shower after your workouts may not seem like a big deal in the moment but it can ultimately be very damaging for your skin. When you think about the sweat, make-up, dirt, and grime sinking into your skin after your workout you’ll realize why it’s important to cleanse after your workouts. Letting all of those bacteria remain on your skin can cause breakouts so always remember to cleanse after your workouts and clean off the sweat and bacteria.
4. You’re Squeezing Your Pimples
Probably one of the most common and predictable causes of acne is when people can’t resist the urge to pick and squeeze their pimples. While it can be tempting to give yourself the momentary relief, it’s really better for your skin if you leave your pimples alone. The chances of you being able to successfully remove your pimple without leaving a red mark and potential scar are slim and you run the risk of pushing the bacteria from your pimple even further into your face, making the problem even worse than before. If you find that you don’t have the self-control to keep your hands off your face then try a pimple patch, not only will they help in relieving you of your pimple, but they will also help keep you from squeezing it!
5. Your Pores Are Clogged
Clogged pores are one of the most prominent causes of acne and, unfortunately, usually the least obvious to make lifestyle changes to amend. One way that you can do something about your clogged pores is to give dermaplaning a try. Dermaplaning is a form of facial exfoliation that helps remove the peach fuzz and the top layer of dead skin from your skin.
Here at Hollywood Browzer, we believe that dermaplaning can help tremendously with helping your skin glow, managing clogged pores, and overall preventing your skin from breaking out. Dermaplaning helps with cell turnover as well as it is a manual form of exfoliation. Cell turnover slows down as we age so it's important to exfoliate by dermaplaning.
By dermaplaning, your skincare will be more effective and your makeup will go on easier.
Check out our options for dermaplaning here.