5 Simple Steps to Avoid Cakey Foundation

When it comes to wearing make-up in 2020, the only limit is your imagination. In the age of
online glam tutorials and the heyday of highlighter, your creativity dictates your look, whether
minimal or to the max.
But whether you’re looking for a basic everyday look or one for a big night out, one thing nobody wants is a face of caked-on foundation. You need a strong foundation, literally, and yours should be a smooth canvas for your other beauty products and cosmetics. Below are our recommendations for natural, silky foundation coverage.
1. Before All Else - Exfoliate!
The first step to any tutorial is usually the most important, and this is certainly true here.
Before applying any beauty or skincare products, ensuring your skin is at its best capacity to receive these applications is essential to avoid caked-on or flaky make-up.
The most efficient way to do this is through exfoliation, and nothing works better than the
Hollywood Browzer, a revolutionary tool that removes hair and exfoliates simultaneously through a process called dermaplaning. Targeting dead skin cells and those pesky fine hairs and peach fuzz, dermaplaning maximizes the absorption of moisturisers and other skincare products, getting you off to the best start for your look.
2. Color is Everything
When you’re looking for a natural foundation that blends well into your skin, there are many factors to consider, but the most obvious is finding the perfect shade to match your skintone. Regardless of the texture or consistency, if your foundation is too dark or too light it will stand out like a sore thumb, so make sure to test it out ahead of time.
3. When in Doubt, Go Liquid
There are so many options to choose from when considering your foundation - from the
price point and ingredients to the branding and the formula. There are powders, liquids,
sprays, and everything in between. When dealing with caked-on foundation, you can’t go wrong with a sheer liquid foundation, which is less likely to cake with additional products as it’s thinner.
4. Moisturize Before, During, and After
It’s hard to overstate the importance of moisturizer when considering your beauty and skincare routine; think of it as the basis for everything else. First you exfoliate, then you moisturize, again and again. Often, cakey make-up is caused by dryness and flaky skin, and the easiest way to target this is with plenty of hydration and a great moisturizer.
Depending on your skin type, you may need to try out creamier, richer, thinner or thicker lotion or primer in order to get the perfect palette for your foundation. In addition, look for
a foundation that is itself a moisturizer, for bonus softness!
5. How to Apply?
Repeat after us: Less. Is. More. Cakiness is often a result of too many layers of make-up, so it helps to re-evaluate which products you’re using and why. If you’re covering up blemishes or imperfections, target your foundation to those areas rather than putting it over your entire face. If you buy a foundation with a dropper rather than a pump this can help to regulate the amount you use.