Peach Fuzz Horror:
Here’s Why You Should Remove It

Aaack! What is that on your face? Is that… a HAIR? Never fear, it’s likely the light variety. Often called “vellus” hair, otherwise known as ‘peach fuzz’ - these delicate threads can lead to obsessive shaving, electrolysis, or plucking.
We’d all love a smooth face, right? But for goodness’ sake, don’t take a body razor to your face
Get that smooth look with a dermaplaner. The Hollywood Browzer doesn’t just remove hair, it also removes dead skin cells in a safe and effective procedure.
Why Remove Peach Fuzz?
Peach fuzz can actually contribute to acne, and it also prevents your face from getting that glow. Hair removal takes some time, but the Browzer makes it as fast and as easy as possible.
Peach fuzz makes people self-conscious and camera-shy. It’s a great idea to get rid of it if you can feasibly do so without hurting your skin.
Why The Browzer?
When you remove unwanted hairs with the Hollywood Browzer, you also reduce the appearance of fine lines, stimulate collagen, and reduce the appearance of acne. The Browzer works by using an edge to peel dead skin off of the face at the same time as it cuts those little hairs.
Try the Browzer before you over-pluck those eyebrows or spend hours picking away at your upper lip. You’ll notice a smooth, glossy look. Its effects will last up to four weeks. Now that’s a good result!
Why choose the Browzer over electrolysis, waxing, or plucking? In a word, it’s the safest option. At minimum, these other treatments can leave your skin irritated and red. You won’t get a glossy look if you pluck, that’s for sure.
But these other treatments are really overdoing it for the delicate skin on the face, especially near the eyes. In some cases, you can risk hyperpigmentation if you target hair that is too fine. You also don’t want to pull on the skin on your face too much, as this can speed up the aging process.
Get The Glow
The Hollywood Browzer gives you a glowing look that any model would covet, without the pain involved in the other treatments. Dermaplaning is a great choice for anyone who wants to improve their photo-op results or get ready for a professional headshot.
Removing peach fuzz keeps your skin shiny. And a smooth look can give you a ton of confidence, because we tend to obsess over those little hairs. When removing them can be quick, easy, and painless, why would you not?

Tons Of Uses
Check out the many applications of this handy hair removal tool here. Use it on the back of the neck, the stomach, over a tattoo, over your chin, hairline, upper lip, and sideburns/peach fuzz. Everywhere you use it, you will be amazed at how well it works
In all applications, the Browzer is safe and effective. There are really not a lot of tools that are effective and safe for the delicate skin on your face. But the Browzer actually promotes collagen and doesn’t stress or stretch the skin.
How To Use
Simply unfold the Browzer and hold it at a 45-degree angle on clean, dry skin. Hold the skin taut, but don’t stretch it too much. Make short scrapes as you remove the hair and dead skin. That’s all there is to it!
Get yours here.